PPC Protect

PPC Protect Review

PPC Protect is a cloud-based software that protects advertisers’ pay-per-click campaigns from businesses and people who want to drain their advertising budget, preventing them from getting real conversions.

Fully automated, this tool uses Artificial Intelligence to detect and block fraudulent clicks on Google Ads ppc ads. Thanks to an algorithm that allows software self-learning, you can protect your advertising account without domain and user limits.

The software also does not neglect the new regulations in terms of privacy, including the GDPR regulation. All data is protected by an encrypted system and only the user has full authority over that type of data.

Main features

Among the main features of PPC Protect there is the ability to analyze both the traffic and the individual website visitor regardless of their origin, managing to block fraudulent clicks in advance before they affect the budget of the ads campaign .

To protect users’ accounts and their data, Ppcprotect connects directly to the Google Ads account via API so that only the blacklist of IPs to block can be updated and nothing else; moreover, thanks to the aforementioned self-learning system, it identifies and “learns” the origin of harmful IPs, preventing ads from appearing to those who have attempted the fraud.

Another interesting feature is the possibility to trace the ID of the devices so as to be able to identify threats even if the IP is changed.

This platform is a very suitable tool for those who have multiple websites to manage (such as agencies for example); in fact, it is possible to add more domains to control in the dashboard and have all the websites under control from a single location.

This tool can also be modified according to the specific needs of your company or type of business to ensure the highest level of customization and protection; automatically adapts to the algorithms, and is able to identify fraudulent clicks based on the most suitable criteria for the type of business and company established by the user. Once the rules have been established, the software will apply these criteria automatically without having to adjust the settings each time.

Thanks to the possibility of not having a limit on users, you can easily add team members who manage that/those specific websites.

Data management and monitoring

PPC Protect allows you to obtain a complete summary of the data, displaying useful information to the user, including the account and how much he has managed to save from his budget on ads. It is also possible to download the pdf file with your logo with all the data inside.

All the data collected in real time is crossed with the software database, which is constantly updated with new threats as the tool is used. Each click is recorded and passed through a monitoring funnel which analyzes it (with a speed of approximately 100ms) and which records all the useful information such as IP address, device ID, location, etc… and if the click is judged harmful, the author is immediately blocked and the ad is blacked out so that they cannot  more see it.

How much does PPC Protect cost?

PC protect has 3 tariff plans, but for each of the plans you have to fill out a form where you leave your email and specify whether you are an agency or not.

  • Pro – Includes: Paid Search Protection, Display Protection, Fraudulent IP Protection.
  • Elite – All features included in the Pro plan plus: paid social protection, invalid audience creation, custom integrations.
  • Agency – All features included in the Elite plan plus: personalized agency dashboard, co-branding options, partnership access.

It is also possible to choose a free demo trial to test the software before proceeding with the purchase.


  • Lightweight cloud-based platform.
  • Artificial intelligence that allows software self-learning.


  • Available in English only.
  • Not having clear rates can cause confusion.

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Review (1)

  • Albert Cox
    3 September 2019 at 09:46

    What can I say, PPC Protect is essential for anyone with a competitor on the face of the earth 😀
    Stop fraudulent clicks, goodbye pumped-up costs that sometimes become truly shocking!
    A client of mine spent an average of 30% of the budget on fraudulent clicks set up by some illustrious competitor (yucky). After activating PPC Protect, the rate of “useless” clicks dropped drastically, reaching a good 6% (all measured with specific strategies and tools).
    In his case we were talking about campaigns with a budget of less than 2,000 euros… imagine if someone with a budget of 15/20,000 euros a month had had the same problem… better to spend a couple of hundred euros on the software, right? xD

    Helpful Review

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