
Clickcease Review

Click Cease is a software that identifies fraudulent clicks on Google Ads and Facebook Ads ads coming from “false” IP addresses and bans them, preventing devices connected to these IPs from viewing the announcement.

For those who use Google Ads to carry out advertising campaigns, it will certainly happen to find themselves invalid clicks on the ad, losing a lot of budget money and valid potential customers. Unfortunately this happens because the web is full of bots that have the task of masking fraudulent click activities, assigning a different IP each time.


All of this creates enormous damage for the user who decides to invest in the Google and Facebook Ads platforms. Explained in a simple way: the user can decide the daily budget he wants to spend on the campaign and the maximum cost to dedicate to his ads. When the campaign is online, the user will pay a “tot ” for each click made on your ad, until the daily budget that you have decided to invest runs out (and if the bots generate fraudulent clicks, this budget drops, until it runs out… without bringing results!).

But who is behind these fraudulent clicks? Often, especially in sectors where there is a lot of competition, companies implement these incorrect tactics to quickly deplete their competitors’ Ads budget and slip away invalid clicks while they grab the good clicks. The victims thus see their budget depleted in a short time and are forced to invest continuously, losing a lot of money. This phenomenon is called Click Fraud (fraudulent click, exactly).

Why rely on a dedicated tool?

Over the years, Google has implemented a fairly effective system of fighting this form of fraud, thanks to advanced algorithms and filters and teams dedicated to detecting invalid clicks.

However, all this is not enough to counteract this phenomenon, because the software created for click fraud is becoming more and more sophisticated.

Moreover, Google is no longer the only platform used to make Ads, social networks have also become advertising tools and are therefore subject to fraudulent clicks and bots.

Clickcease was developed precisely with the task of identifying invalid clicks and also recognizing the type of device used, which is banned so that you can no longer view the ad. This tool also manages to understand the time interval between one click and another, i.e. when an IP clicks on the same ad several times in a few seconds, it is banned.

As for the “physical” clicks, i.e. clicks made by humans, they are easy to identify, when talking about bots or hackers Clickcease can take some time before being able to block the clicks, but in a short time the situation back under control.

As we said before, social networks have also become Adv platforms and this software, unlike others,  allows you to block fraudulent clicks even on Facebook Ads. A complete tool for advertising in safety!

How Clickcease works

Clickcease tracks PPC clicks with advanced machine learning algorithms. Separate real prospects from scammers and bots who want to deplete your budget. The advanced algorithm is capable of analyzing hundreds of fraud signals and accurately differentiates “good” clicks from fraudulent clicks. Not all frauds are the same and Clickcease allows you to customize the fraudulent click detection tool for each specific sector.
An interesting feature of this software is being able to record the screen and see the behavior of visitors to the landing page. You can monitor how the mouse moves within the page, where clicks go, etc. This function is also very useful for understanding if there are any problems within the sales page that can be improved.
Clickcease also includes another interesting element, namely AdSpy. This tool allows you to understand who is bidding on your keywords and how your competitors’ ads rank against yours. Adspy sends notifications about new competitors and monitors advertising position throughout the day, all automatically !

Blog and Support

Marketing knowledge is everything, and many software programs include a blog section on their site, where they provide articles and other resources to expand your knowledge. Clickcease is no exception and on the site you can find a rich blog section with articles ranging from an explanation of how Google Ads works to advice on how to best increase your campaign. This information allows the user to better know the environment in which he operates, to understand how to defend himself against fraud and to make the most of the software’s potential.

How much does Clickcease cost?

Clickcease offers 2 rate plans, calculated with various currencies. Both plans include 24/7 support, unlimited Google Ads accounts and the ability to cancel your account at any time at no cost.

The plans come with a 7 day free trial and can be billed on a monthly or yearly basis. This last option allows you to save 20% on the total price of the plan. Let’s see the tariff plans in detail:

  • Standard from €39 per month up to 5,000 clicks (annual billing). You can choose 1 platform to protect: Google Ads or Facebook Ads. It includes protection for a single domain, AI detection algorithm, session recording and analysis, Adspy – competitor to intel.
  • Pro from €55 per month up to 10,000 clicks (annual billing). It protects both Google Ads and Facebook Ads. Features multiple domain protection, AI detection algorithm, device-based blocking, cross-domain blocking, session recordings and analytics, Adspy – intel competitor, account overview, dedicated account manager.

As the number of clicks increases, the price of the Pro plan increases and if you exceed 100,000 clicks, you must contact the company to establish an adequate figure.


  • Automatic fraud prevention.
  • Detect IP and fraudulent devices.
  • Immediate blackout of the ad.
  • 24/7 monitoring.
  • Customizable rules for fraud detection.


  • The Italian version is a bit bad.
  • The most useful features are available in the Pro plan.

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Reviews (3)

4.8 out of 5.0
  • Grace Lopez
    26 May 2022 at 14:19

    I have a laundry in Rome and for a few months I had the problem of fraudulent clicks. Not sure if but I think it was my competitors. My web agency advised me to install clickcease and in fact the click fraud has dropped drastically.

    Helpful Review
  • Lucas Perez
    3 May 2022 at 13:43

    We assume that Google (even if it says so) does not block 100% of fraudulent clicks. Clickcease keeps PPC honest and really gives us insight into when we are wasting money on Google Ads and what competitors are clicking on our ads and theirs. Even if you don’t spend a lot of money, I still recommend using Clickcease for your campaigns.

    Helpful Review 1
  • Taylor Patel
    31 August 2019 at 11:13

    Indispensable tool for “emergency” type service campaigns, such as plumbers, locksmiths, appliance repairs, etc. Unfortunately, these are sectors where clicks can cost as much as €15 each and there are many dishonest competitors who, instead of working, spend their time clicking on competitors’ ads. Thanks to Click Cease it is possible to partially avoid the problem and make life difficult for serial “clickers”. The automatic refund request function is very useful and is forwarded directly to Google every 2 months.

    Helpful Review 3

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